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Can a home inspector perform a septic inspection?

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Question: Can a home inspector perform a septic inspection?
Top Answer (54% of 50 votes): Yes.

Answer: Yes
Explanation: Extra service
S&B Property Inspections LLC
Answer: Yes
Michael J West Dreamkeeper Home Inspections Inc
Answer: No
Explanation: Not unless the inspector is certified specifically for this.
Pinkerton Inspection Agency LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: He can if he is properly trained and certified.
Shedhorn Inspection Services, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: If he has a license for septic tanks
Answer: No
Explanation: Not usually, in order to have a certified septic inspection you will need a septic contractor to inspect your system. If the home inspector has a C42 Contractors license they would be more than capable of handling such job.
DeLaTorre Septic
Answer: Yes
Explanation: With the right training and certifications.
Heritage Inspectors
Answer: No
Explanation: A home inspection is a limited visual inspection. Typically home inspectors will not scope plumbing and drain pipes as well as septic tanks. If they find any indications of a problem or the potential of a problem they will suggest a septic system to further evaluate.
Moran Property Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes only limited, sight and whether they work or not.
North State Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: If a home inspector is licensed for septic inspections they can but it is not covered under a home inspector license.
Spire Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: if he is licensed to inspect septic systems
OnSite Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes if he or she is trained to do so and if not, they may have a plumber to perform this service.
Clearview Home Inspections Eccl.9:10
Answer: Yes
Explanation: septic systems are an additional cost because of the dye test and excavating
Huskey Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: if he is licensed to do so
Thomas Property Services llc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Depending on jurisdiction requirements.
Millyard Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: If they are state licensed or certified
Ray Inspection Services Corp
Answer: No
Explanation: Must be certified by the state in which he is performing ye inspection
Anthony Quarato home inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A home inspector can perform a septic inspection. Ask the inspector for their NAWT certification number.
Morrow Inspection Services, PLLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Some home inspectors do have the proper training and credentials to perform a septic inspection. Septic inspections do require special equipment including the ability to pump a septic tank in some inspections. I always recommend a qualified septic inspection company for septic inspections.
Best Choice Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: Only a certified septic tank inspection should be allowed to inspect
At Ease Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The caveat with a septic tank is the inspection can only be performed "AFTER" the tank is pumped out.
Rightway Residential Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: Septic tanks are not visible and therefore, not inspected.
A Better Choice Home Inspection, Co
Answer: Yes
Explanation: If properly trained
Everest Home Inspectors
Answer: No
Explanation: Unless the home inspector has extensive septic system experience, septic inspection should be performed by a licensed/experienced septic contractor.
Nicholas Home Inspection & Maintenance, Inc.
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