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Are all home inspectors required to have "Errors and Omissions" coverage in case they miss an issue or problem?

It varies by jurisdiction
Not sure
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Question: Are all home inspectors required to have "Errors and Omissions" coverage in case they miss an issue or problem?
Top Answer (41% of 260 votes): It varies by jurisdiction.

Answer: Not sure
Explanation: In many cases yes, however your home inspector should give you a detailed list of what exactly will be inspected and provide many photos of all areas to confirm they inspected exactly where they said they would.
Structsure Pro Home Inspections
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: In PA, home inspectors are supposed to carry E&O insurance, however there is no state agency that actually confirms that each inspector is properly insured. It is up to the home buyer to do their due diligence and confirm that an inspector needs the requirements of PA Act 114. Sadly, however, there is no enforcement of the law built into the verbiage of the law.
WIN Home Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: Ground Zero Home Inspection, like many other home inspection businesses, is not legally required to possess Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance coverage provided they have a well-drafted contract that has been signed and dated by the client. This contract serves as a legal shield, safeguarding home inspectors against potential legal issues or disputes that may arise during or after the inspection process. Essentially, it stipulates the scope of the inspector's duties and responsibilities, thereby limiting their liability in case of an unforeseen problem or omission. However, this does not negate the risks associated with accidental damage to the property during the inspection process. While a well-structured contract can provide a degree of legal protection, it may not cover accidental property damage caused during the inspection process. As such, it is prudent for Ground Zero Home Inspection and similar businesses to have at least general liability insurance. General liability insurance serves as an additional layer of financial protection against claims for physical injuries or property damage caused unintentionally during the inspection process. This type of insurance can cover potential legal costs and damage payouts, thereby protecting the inspector's business from significant financial losses. Therefore, while E&O insurance might not be a necessity with a comprehensive contract in place, general liability insurance remains a wise investment for home inspectors.
Ground Zero Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: BUT WE DO
Michael J West Dreamkeeper Home Inspections Inc
Answer: No
Explanation: It is not a requirement in Wisconsin. Having insurance is not a condition of the inspection. Mosat problems are solved by reviewing the condition report. If it it not disclosed that is an issue with the seller.
1st Choice Inspection
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Pinkerton Inspection Agency does have full insurance on Errors and Omissions.
Pinkerton Inspection Agency LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We are fully certified and insured.
A Affordable Home Inspector LLC
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: In Texas Yes, in Arkansas No by law.
Eastridge Home Inspections of Arkansas, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: If an item is missed it not clearly documented to client satisfaction, a revisit may be requested.
Harris Business Professionals
Answer: Yes
Explanation: This is a requirement to be licensed in Texas.
Earley & Sons Property Inspections PLLC
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: The state of Tennessee requires all home inspectors to have E&O Insurance.
Wise-Up Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: I do carry Errors and Omissions coverage. Although I've never had to use it. My thoroughness allows me to capture just about everything.
Mountain View Inspection Services
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: Not all jurisdictions require home inspectors to carry O&M insurance, but it is a good idea to choose an inspector that does.
Shedhorn Inspection Services, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The State of Florida require home inspectors to carry errors and omissions insurance.
Aspire Inspection Services
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: The state or jurisdiction may or may not require insurance.
Reality Property Inspections
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: I am not sure if this is required in all states.
Safeguard Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: It is required to practice in Texas.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: In Az all inspectors are to have E and O insurance and liability insurance
TnT Home Inspections
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Most Inspectors will have E&O insurance as well as General Liability.
Moran Property Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: always
Answer: No
Explanation: i personally carry coverage for just that, but alot of inspectors dont. I have never missed an item but we are human and we make mistakes in my contract i just refund the fee.
Property Repair Service & Inspections
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: It is recommended in most cases.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: However, make sure that the inspector that is checking your home is insured and has Errors and Omissions coverage to be protected.
Royalty Home Solutions, Inc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: In the State of Texas it is required to have E&O insurance.
Blackland Home Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: It is required by law to have insurance that covers "errors and Omissions" in there policy. Inspectors can't catch everything, although they try. The inspection is based on a visual inspection at the time of the inspection. They cannot predict when an appliance or HVAC system is on its last leg or has a system failure. Or if it hasn't rained in months and the inspector sees no signs of water penetrating the roof by an inspection of the attic, that in 2 weeks after the inspection has been completed there is a leaky roof causing water damage to the ceilings and walls.
Meadow Brook Home Inspection
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: not required but highly recommended
Huskey Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Errors and omissions coverage is considered optional and not required to be carried by a New York state licensed home inspector
Able Home Inspections
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: The State of NH does not require errors and Omissions insurance but you should inquire if the inspector does. I do carry Liability and EO insurance.
Millyard Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: It is a violation of state law to perform inspections without the necessary insurance.
Contractors Corp.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: If not, they should be.
Brewer Contract Consulting
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: Depending on your state. The state of Texas requires all inspectors to carry at a minimum $100k in E&O coverage.
Morrow Inspection Services, PLLC
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: We carry 1 million
Pacific Inspection Group
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: E&O requirements vary by jurisdiction. NY state does not require EE&O insurance. General liability is the only insurance requirement for performing a home inspection in NY State.
InFocus Inspection
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: No inspector is required to carry such insurance but the more experienced often do
At Ease Home Inspection
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: In the State of Ohio it is not required for Home inspectors to be Insured or Certified. There is no governance on how they do business. Like all businesses if you pay $250 for an inspection on a 3000 SF home you can expect they miss something or will not do a good job. Anyone offering a Flat fee for all sizes of homes will not provide a thorough inspection. Their goal is Quantity versus Quality.
Look First Homes, LLC
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: Inspectors should carry insurance, even if not required.
Riverbend Property Inspections LLC
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: Some states have this requirement yet some don't. We took a poll at a Wisconsin seminar once and I was surprised how many inspectors are uninsured.
Honest Home Inspections & Milwaukee Mold Inspector
Answer: No
Explanation: E & O Insurance is not required in Indiana but is highly recommended.
House and Home Inspection Services
Answer: No
Explanation: In my state of Tennessee it is required however some states may not require licensing or insurance.
840 Inspections
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: Ray REI has all insurances GLC and E&OF for the protection of both the consumer and inspection company.
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: While some home inspection companies don't have E&O insurance, carrying it as well as liability insurance covering accidental damage to the property is the best practice. Companies not carrying adequate insurance should be avoided.
J. Michael Simon, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Many inspection companies DO NOT have E&O insurance. These are to be avoided for the reasons identified in the question. I carry not only E&O insurance but other liability insurance to cover missed items,accidental damage to the property, as well as insurance to cover any of my inspectors should they be hurt while inspecting the property.
Rightway Residential Home Inspections
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: Errors and Omissions" coverage is usually required for a licensed inspector. The law in each state is different with this requirement. However, it is a great investment for the inspector.
Certified Real Estate Inspectors
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: I carry it as it just make good business sense. I would think a client would feel more comfortable know their inspector was covered.
ABC Home Inspections LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: You can always turn to defects that were not reported and ask why.
Your Home Property Consultants
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A Balance Home Inspection has Errors and Omission coverage. It is a requirement by the Texas Real Estate Commission.
A Balance Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: yes we carry $300,000 in errors and omissions. It is part of our license
American Home & Environmental
Answer: Yes
Explanation: In the state of PA we are required to carry both Errors and Omissions as well as General Liability insurance.
Rife Home Inspections LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: I do carry insurance personally but many do not.
Pro-Tech Home Inspection llc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The Errors and Omissions coverage should be at least $250,000 for the home inspectors.
Kent Trader, LLC. Inspection Services
Answer: No
Explanation: No, it is not a requirement for a home inspector in California to have insurance, however, Coast Home Inspection is fully insured.
Coast Home Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: It depends on the state the inspection performed. It is smart to have O&E insurance no matter where the inspection is performed.
Corley Home Inspections, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: goes by state
G M M Property Inspections
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: In Texas we must carry E&O insuarance
Hancock Consulting & Inspections, PLLC
Answer: No
Explanation: We do!
AHI Residential & Commercial Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: Arkansas dose not require it.
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: It varies by jurisdiction and state requirements, but yes they should or at very least have professional liability insurance
JKM Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: This is not a state license requirement.
Certipro Home Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: I carry this insurance, but I do try to be as thorough as possible.
A&T Home Inspections, Inc.
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: In the state of Florida it is a licensing requirement by the state to be insured. While it is always a great idea and many times a requirement to be insured, we at Connected Inspectors are both licensed and insured and fortunately are focused and care for our clients best interests that we have never had a claim.
Connected Services Group, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: yes this is state requirement
Phoenix Home Inspections LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: In the State of Florida, home inspectors are required to carry a liability insurance.
A Closer Look Property Inspections, LLC
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: All should have some type of coverage.
ATM Home Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: It may vary, but in NYS E&O insurance is not required, only General Liability. A responsible inspector will carry both.
A Home Detective Inspection Service
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: Good home inspectors carry E&O insurance
MC2 Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: By the State of Arizona home inspectors are required to show proof of financial responsibility such as a bond, error and omission insurance or any other type of insurance.
Wilson Property Inspection, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes. At least in The state of Alabama its required
Kgm home inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: You need to have E&O if there is a liability issue at some point.
Straight Street Home & Structural Pest Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes - in Pennsylvania
Chase Home Inspection
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: It vary by state, however nobody is perfect and a responsible inspector will carry it. Clients should always ask
Gate House Watch and Inspection Service
Answer: No
Explanation: no - we just are required in Florida to have liability.
Inspections by Randall LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: At JC & E Home Inspection, all our inspectors have E & O insurance.
JC & E Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Required here
1st Call Home Inspections LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Clients should ask if the inspector has E&O Insurance. You're at risk if the inspector is not insured.
Golden Home Inspections
Answer: It varies by jurisdiction
Explanation: The inspection report reflects the findings of the inspector at the time of the inspection. General liability insurance is sufficient in some areas.
Thill Home Inspections, LLC
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