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Is a home inspector able to identify all building code issues in their inspection report?

Yes, an inspector can identify all issues
No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
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Question: Is a home inspector able to identify all building code issues in their inspection report?
Top Answer (95% of 274 votes): No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues).

Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are not code inspectors codes are completely different. We will do everything possible to inspect hidden areas, we access attics, crawlspaces, and get a good overview of the house but things can be hidden we don't have access to
Structsure Pro Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection is entirely different from a code inspection
Chestnut Property Inspections, LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection, by definition, is not a code compliance inspection. While home inspectors need to be knowledgeable about building codes, home inspectors are not code officials and have no code enforcement power.
WIN Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Code changes. The home inspector is interested in finding issues that are readily visible and of concern
S&B Property Inspections LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspection is not an inspection of building codes for a certain entity such as a city or county.
All State Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home Inspections are not inspected based on code.
Inspect Pro 360, PLLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: In wisconsin we are not building inspectors. We cannot quote code but do list many items that do not meet the standards. A new inspectors will not do this.
1st Choice Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspections are visual inspections only, we do not penetrate solid surfaces, and we do not dig for footers or pipes.
Above & Beyond Professional Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: An inspection is for visible issues, the inspection is not to take down walls or destruct things to find issues, only to see what is visible and find deficiencies in things that are accessible.
Pinkerton Inspection Agency LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspector is not a "code inspector". A home inspector is to only to identify problems that can be readily detected using visual inspection.
Eastridge Home Inspections of Arkansas, LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: I am not a code expert. I merely document what a client requests.
Harris Business Professionals
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: No, it is a visual inspection of readily available systems of the home.
HouseMaster Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home Inspectors are not required to report on specific code violations.
Wise-Up Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: No. Although we know a great many of the codes and use them as a basis of our findings, we are not code inspectors and should not attempt to be. We have no authority to do so. Rather, we look for and report potential safety, structural and costly issues that allow for a better managed solution to them.
Mountain View Inspection Services
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Codes change every three years so it is not reasonable to expect an older home to meets the same code requirements as new construction.
Space City Inspections, LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspections are not building code inspections. Some building code issues can be in areas that are no longer visible and building codes change over the years.
Aspire Inspection Services
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: It depends on the thoroughness of the inspector as well as the ability to view/test items.
Dynamic Inspections & Construction Services, LLC.
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection is not a code inspection. In most cases, building codes and safety related issues are very similar.
Reality Property Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection may be based on standards, but is not a code inspection. Only the authority having jurisdiction can conduct a building code inspection and enforcement.
HomeScope Property Inspection Services LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspector is not a building code inspector.
Safeguard Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: An inspector can only identify what is visible.
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: It is a noninvasive inspection only.
Appaloosa Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A Home Inspector will investigate as far as they can but there is always a chance there are issues that an inspector can not reasonably see within the inspection. An example would be rotted siding that has been covered up.
Heritage Inspectors
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are not municipal inspectors. Most will encourage the buyer to ask the seller to provide all the paperwork for any improvements done. The inspection is a visible inspection only. The home inspector is not required to inspect anything not readily seen.
Moran Property Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: The home inspector is not a code inspector. I carry a code book with me but i will not refer to code deviations as a major issue the codes change yearly so when i fine one that i question of safety i refer to that for example in this room on northwest corner electrical outlet may need a licensed professional to review findings.
Property Repair Service & Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Saying there is a code violation is getting into legality, I recommend further evaluation by qualified contractor.
North State Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: The Home Inspector can only inspect what is visible or accessible.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: The inspection itself is not a code inspection, but a functional and safety inspection unless it is new construction. Furthermore, the home inspection is a visual inspection.
Blackland Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Generally inspectors will not cite code violations, just make a n accounting as to what they have found in relation to the systems and components of the home.
Inspection Pro
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: No, the inspection is based on a visual inspection of the property. An inspector cannot see in walls and are not to remove covers of components throughout the home. They cannot assure the proper means of support or straping were used unless it is exposed. Those are things that would have been inspected during the construction of the home by the building inspector. A home inspection is not to enforce building codes but if something is seen that might be in question he can make a recommendation to have a professional licensed contractor come out and assess the concerning item.
Meadow Brook Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspector is NOT a code inspector.
BurCan Dynamics LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection is not a code inspection and therefore as non-intrusive and does not include what is behind the walls or not visible
Able Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Standards of Practice
Allied Services Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are required to do a visual inspection ,not a technical exhaustive one.
Contractors Corp.
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are not code inspectors but most inspectors are aware of most building codes and can only inspect readily visible areas of the home.
Gilded Leaf Home Inspections LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: No! A home inspection is NOT a code inspection.
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Please know that a home inspector is NOT a code inspector. Building codes change all the time and homes age in place. It would be nearly impossible for an inspector to call any defect a code violation without knowing the code at the time a system was implemented. A home inspection is a visual inspection of the current condition of the accessible components and pieces of the home.
InFocus Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: In New Jersey home inspectors are not building code officials. Specific building codes may not have been in effect when the home was built or remodeled. This does not mean that it is not safe all the time. A home inspector does a visual inspection to determine that deficiencies and safety issues are identified. I may recommend upgrade to current standards when future work is being done or recommend that it be corrected immeadiately if it is a safety issue.
Best Choice Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: We do our best to uncover all problems but hidden issues are often more difficult unless you know what your looking for
At Ease Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Inspection is not a code inspection due to the many codes the home may or may not have been required to follow based on age and location.
Riverbend Property Inspections LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors won't quote code's.
HomeRun Certified Inspections,LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspector is not code enforcement.
Smart Choice Home Inspections of WNY
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: An inspector should not identify any "code" issues. Inspector do not, and are not required to, identify code issues. Codes may vary very differently from one geographical area to the next. A good inspector will report thing that are defective or not up to today's building standards.
840 Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors can point out issues but we do not do code inspections. You should contact the city or county you live in to ask for a code inspection.
Home Inspection Solutions
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: An inspector can only identify problems that he/she can see.
J. Michael Simon, LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: We look at what is visible and accessible, homes are complicated structures made up of multiple systems and components- I use a check list to help remind me to look for the small details.
MTK Inspection Services
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are not trained in building codes or enforcement codes. A code inspection tells you what the conditions were (when it was built). A home inspection tells you what the conditions are now (on the day of the inspection), and what may need to be done about them.
Certified Real Estate Inspectors
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: The inspection is not a code compliance report. Although life safety items are usually pointed out where missing, like smoke and CO detectors, missing railings, or obstructed flues.
ABC Home Inspections LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: We are not code compliance. Our job is to point out deficiencies and possibly determine why it happened and refer to a professional.
A Better Choice Home Inspection, Co
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are not code readers
House detective
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: If there is a building code issue within the walls or under attic installation, the inspector will notice them.
A Balance Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Most all Home Inspectors can not reference building codes as they are not trained in codes. It is not a requirement in Mass. We have building code training, yearly, and are a federal HUD Building Code Compliance licensed officer.
American Home & Environmental
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection can never identify all issues. As a Home Inspector we can only report on what we see. It is a is a non-invasive, visual examination of the accessible areas of a residential property.
Rife Home Inspections LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are not code inspectors. We look for safety issues and deficiencies as well as positive aspects of a home
Henson Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are trained to look for deficients and describe them with all necessary, appropriate information.
Kent Trader, LLC. Inspection Services
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: No, a home inspection is not a code inspection. A home inspection is non-invasive.
Coast Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Destructive inspection would be the only way to inspect every component of the home.
Spire Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection is not a code inspection. Code items vary from town to town and are not all visible. Any code related questions should be directed towards the local code enforcement officer.
North Dynamic Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home Inspectors are not code inspectors. We perform a visual inspection and do not open walls and move insulation. The inspection fee is based on a visual inspection and the time and expertise to properly assess a home.
Corley Home Inspections, LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: some have to be looked up
G M M Property Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Plus codes are minimum standards. We inspect to 'Best Practices"
Hancock Consulting & Inspections, PLLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Symptoms may provide clues - I do employ a small camera when needed. -- Patrick Erb Home Inspection Services Licensed Home Inspection AL # HI3083 HUD # 638 erbhomeservices@gmail.com 205-412-5256 More Information About Me http://erbhomeservices.wix.com/patrickerb www.promatcher.com/ErbHomeServicesInspection http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f94FUNkxZX0&feature=share
Patrick Erb Home Services INSPECTION AL#HI3083
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: An inspector can only report on what he/she sees.
JKM Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Building codes are generally about safety. Some issues maybe hidden by finishing materials. It is difficult to know what building codes were applicable when the home was built in any given jurisdiction. However an inspector should report on current building standards.
Brighton Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection is not a confirmation of any structure meeting current building codes as they are morphing everyday. We will however,indicate safety concerns which may or may not be similar.
Certipro Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Since an inspection is a visual look at the house, we cannot determine things we cannot see.
A&T Home Inspections, Inc.
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: While we at Connected Inspectors do have the licensed years of experience as bulding code inspectors, the typical home inspection is a visual inspection of the entire home and all accessible systems. There are additional inspections which can be added to the inspection agreement if requested. Some are as previously mentioned: Lead, asbestos, radon, mold, underground video mapping and condition of plumbing drainage. These additional inspection options are usually added when requested by the buyer for an additional quote.
Connected Services Group, LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspector's job is not to determine the code compliance of a home. Most homes do not meet current codes but did when they were built. A home inspector should never claim a home is acceptable to current codes regardless of when it was built.
Legacy Home Inspection & Appraisal LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: no codes inspections are performed by local township inspectors
Phoenix Home Inspections LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: We are not code inspectors.
ATM Home Inspection
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspection is NOT a code inspection. Home Inspections provides non-invasive residential home inspections to identify defects and safety issues according to modern day safety guidelines.
Eastern Slope Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are not required to know building codes in every area, however, this is of great advantage.
Higher Standards Property Solutions LLC
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Usually building codes are not part of inspection.
Home and Mold Inspections Plus
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: Home inspectors are not code inspectors. That job falls on building code inspectors.
MC2 Home Inspections
Answer: No, an inspector can only identify problems that are visible (not hidden issues)
Explanation: A home inspector cannot find hidden defects. A home inspection is a visual inspection only.
Wilson Property Inspection, LLC
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