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Is a tree inspection considered an additional charge when conducting a typical home inspection?

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Question: Is a tree inspection considered an additional charge when conducting a typical home inspection?
Top Answer (45% of 227 votes): No.

Answer: Yes
Explanation: Trees aren't a mechanical or structural part of a home and typically not covered by a standard inspection
Structsure Pro Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: We do not inspect trees
Every Square Inch Property Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: Trees are not inspected as part of a home inspection.
WIN Home Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: Unless tree is close to the home or cause an issue it may not be mentioned in the inspection report
S&B Property Inspections LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: It is a home inspection, not a tree inspection.
All State Home Inspections
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: A home inspection is for the home.
Inspect Pro 360, PLLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A tree inspection is a specialty service. You would need an inspector trained for finding these particular issues.
Pinkerton Inspection Agency LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Landscaping is not a part of a standard inspection, however; we will identify potential safety issues involving trees, should they be apparent.
Preferred Real Estate Inspections, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Trees are reported in inspection reports only if they present a danger to the house being inspected.
Eastridge Home Inspections of Arkansas, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Tree inspections do not fall within the scope of the inspection and should be referred to a professional tree contractor.
Michael Moffitt, Moffitt Property Inspections & Consulting
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Trees are focused on in a standard home inspection as they relate to the home.
HouseMaster Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: I don't inspect trees per se. I do evaluate how close they are to the structure, leaning or not, potential damage they could cause etc. The tree itself, no.
Mountain View Inspection Services
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Tree inspections are always considered an additional charge apart from the home inspection because some homes have no trees, while others are located within the forest. The cost of a tree inspection can be dependent on the number of trees around the home.
Shedhorn Inspection Services, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: But the inspection report will only include if the tree is presenting problems with home, not on the health of the tree.
Aspire Inspection Services
Answer: No
Explanation: No, a tree is a part of the exterior of property. Any noticeable damages or deficiencies pertaining the condition of a tree should be reported.
Reality Property Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: No part of Grading and Drainage on report.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A home inspection is a limited visual inspection of the home and all the systems in the home. Landscaping is not mentioned unless it is affecting the home or unsafe.
Moran Property Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: In the report if i see a tree that looks bad it will have photo and request an licensed arborist to look at it for safety reason.
Property Repair Service & Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: Tree inspection is an Arborist consultation.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: We do not perform tree inspections
Certified Inspectors, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: I don't think so. Also make sure that the inspector is certified in doing a tree inspection.
Royalty Home Solutions, Inc
Answer: No
Explanation: Home inspectors do not typically report on trees unless the tree poses a potential threat to the structure of the home
Able Home Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Tree inspection is not part of the standard. Would recommend qualified specialist.
Millyard Home Inspection
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: There are no requirements for tree inspections except if they are too close to the home.
Contractors Corp.
Answer: No
Explanation: Most inspections will not cover tree or landscaping concerns other than positive sloping away fro the home.
Gilded Leaf Home Inspections LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Not typically inspected
Anthony Quarato home inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Trees are not part of the home. Would you ask an arborist to inspect your home? If there are trees in contact with the electrical service drop or roof the inspector should document in the appropriate sections of your report.
Morrow Inspection Services, PLLC
Answer: No
Explanation: I always make note of trees and foliage that is close enough to the house to cause issues with the house. For the health of trees an inspection by tree professional would be needed.
Best Choice Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: I look over all trees to determine possible damage that could occur
At Ease Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Unless the home inspector is an arborist their is no reason for them to be inspecting your trees. If you have questions about the trees on a property we will be happy to point you in the right direction.
Look First Homes, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Tree inspections are above the scope of a typical home inspection. However, if a tree is potentially a hazard to the home or an obvious issue then the inspector may mention it
Smart Choice Home Inspections of WNY
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: The Wisconsin State standards of practice do not require us to do anything with trees or vegetation. Our company will note if we think the tree is too close to the structure or may be damaging the roof or siding
Honest Home Inspections & Milwaukee Mold Inspector
Answer: No
Explanation: The health of a tree can not be determined by a general home inspection however if it affects the structure in any manor it should be reported. An example is: "Low overhanging tree branches are present and could damage components of the structure.".
840 Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: It is not part of a home inspection unless a tree is playing a part in the comprise of a component of the home.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A tree inspection is not typically included with a standard home inspection. It may be available for an additional cost to the inspection. Unless trees are directly impacting the structure in some way like overhanging the roof or intersecting a service drop, it is not generally included.
J. Michael Simon, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Normally the inspection is restricted to the structure. We inspect for trees overhanging the roof and for any diseased or dead trees that may fall on a house/structure.
Rightway Residential Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: Most time the tree inspection should be pat of the home inspection, but only to evaluate the with regards to proximity to the house itself
ABC Home Inspections LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Home inspections are for the home. We are not arborist.
Your Home Property Consultants
Answer: No
Explanation: Trees are only included if creating issues with the home
Doyle Wayne General Services
Answer: Yes
Explanation: When inspecting the grading around the house, an inspector may only mention a tree if it hangs over the roof or in contact with the house or causing foundation problems..
A Balance Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: we observe trees around the home, however it is not typical
American Home & Environmental
Answer: No
Explanation: Trees are not typically inspected. However, when a tree is found to close to the house or electrical wires, it should be noted in the report to trim the trees back from those affected areas.
Rife Home Inspections LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes, this would be an additional charge by a qualified inspector.
Coast Home Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: I include it if they are close to the home and there is a potential for damage
Answer: No
Explanation: Any trees that have an adverse effect on the home should be included in a normal home inspection report.
North Dynamic Inspections
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Tree inspection are typically not included in a home inspection
OnSite Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: observation noted, then recommend tree person
G M M Property Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: If tree encroachment on roof or gutters is a problem it is noted.
Midwest Home, Inc.
Answer: No
Explanation: Patrick Erb Home Inspection Services Licensed Home Inspection AL # HI3083 HUD # 638 erbhomeservices@gmail.com 205-412-5256 More Information About Me http://erbhomeservices.wix.com/patrickerb www.promatcher.com/ErbHomeServicesInspection http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f94FUNkxZX0&feature=share
Patrick Erb Home Services INSPECTION AL#HI3083
Answer: No
Explanation: Not unless it adversely affects the home.
AHI Residential & Commercial Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: If there are issues with foundation that this would be an additional minimal charge.
JKM Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: Trees are inspected if they pose an issue to the structure, foundation or roof.
Brighton Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Sort of, any tree branches or roots too close to a structure will be cited as the potential problem it presents, however, an arborist should be consulted if there are issues concerning the health of trees.
Certipro Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: noting the location of trees close to structure is always noted during inspection process
Phoenix Home Inspections LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A certified arborist is the best person to perform a tree inspection.
MJ Services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Not sure what a tree inspection is, but I do make recommendations on overgrown vegetation, trip hazard or trees limbs on top of the house.
A Closer Look Property Inspections, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: A tree is out of the scope for a home inspection so any additional inspection outside these premises would be extra.
Higher Standards Property Solutions LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Trees are outside the scope of a home inspection, unless it is directly affecting the home such as the foundation.
MC2 Home Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: Inspection of trees are outside of the scope of a visual inspection
Wilson Property Inspection, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: If that tree is giving any damages to the structure or outside faces.
Home Inspection General Co
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Typically outside the scope of any standard home inspection, unless tree is leaning on your home or branches are in contact with roof and siding. Outside of this, you should then know a little about being an arborist and what to recommend. Or recommend an arborist for further professional consultation.
Straight Street Home & Structural Pest Inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Only reported on is the tree's impact on the house.
Chase Home Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: we examine the trees as part of our "grounds" Inspection
Valley Home Inspectors LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Trees are not part of a standard inspection.
Inspections by Randall LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Vegetation is noted as part of the standards of practice. Any specific questions as to the kind or species should be directed to an arbolist.
JC & E Home Inspection
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Tree "Inspection" should be done by a licensed arborist.
Powell Home Inspection LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We do not inspect trees.
Camelot home inspections
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Tree as in landscaping is not part of an inspection.
Team Texas Construction, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: looking for large dead branches.
Cornish Home Inspections, Inc.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Home inspectors do not inspect trees. We can comment if the tree is damaging the roof or foundation.
Carolina Regional Inspection Services
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: If landscaping is an issue such as trees or shrubs along the roof line or house then it is noted to have trimmed.
Emerald Inspection Service, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Trees are not considered within the scope of a home inspection.
Black Dog Home Inspections, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Trees and vegetation that can have a negative effect on the structure due to their close proximity are not an additional charge
NK Home Inspection
Answer: Yes
Explanation: I inspect for overhanging trees, but not the trees themselves.
Commonwealth Inspections
Answer: No
Explanation: If I see a problem tree, I make a note of that in the report.
Middleton Home Inspection
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