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Once the physical home inspection is complete, how long should it take to receive the final inspection report?

Less than 24 hours
24-48 hours
3 -5 days
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Question: Once the physical home inspection is complete, how long should it take to receive the final inspection report?
Top Answer (59% of 286 votes): Less than 24 hours.

Answer: 3 -5 days
Explanation: 4 days or less is a reasonable time for the inspector to compile his information and compile a report
Structsure Pro Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: At CPFILLC our turnover time is fast same day
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Our reports are delivered on the same day of the inspection.
Home Scan Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: All of our home inspection reports are delivered same day to our client (normally within 6 hours). You should never have to wait more than a day for your home inspection report. Remember, time is of the essence when buying a home. Your inspection contingency clock is running once your sales contract is approved.
WIN Home Inspection
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Inspection report by Ground Zero Home Inspection usually takes between 12-24 hours before the report is emails to the clients.
Ground Zero Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Same day reporting is the standard for us. If it will take longer, that will be communicated to the client during the home inspection or before getting started.
The Home Inspectors
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: Sometimes a report is submitted to the client immediately at the end of the inspection. Typically, 24 to 48 hour turnaround time for a report
1st Look Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: We provide all reports the same day or within 24 hours. No exceptions in 28 years.
1st Choice Inspection
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: We provide our report the same day and generally before 9 PM CST
Above & Beyond Professional Home Inspections
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: If a potential Home Inspector says he'll give you a report at the end of the inspection, then usually it will be a simple check-list and not included any pictures. You are paying for a report. Why not get one that is written, detailed, and includes pictures.
Preferred Real Estate Inspections, LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Typically you will receive your report same day or next day. It is a very detailed report with photos.
A Affordable Home Inspector LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: It is generally understood that the report will be delivered as soon as possible after the inspection. I make every effort to return my reports within the same day as the inspection.
Eastridge Home Inspections of Arkansas, LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: I deliver my report tronically by email with-in 24 hours.
Louisville Home Inspections LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: There can be extenuating circumstances, but typical is within 24 hrs.
HouseMaster Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: We strive to deliver our reports on the same day.
Earley & Sons Property Inspections PLLC
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: I write my reports the night of or next morning after and inspection.
Mountain View Inspection Services
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: I always send my inspection report by e-mail within 24 hours of the inspection and usually on the same day.
Space City Inspections, LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Once the inspection is completed, clients should not have to wait longer than 24-hours to receive the report. Real Estate deals can be extremely time-sensitive, and having the inspection report in a timely manner can make or break a deal. At Shedhorn Inspections Services, we have the technology to prepare the report as we are inspecting your home and can have either a hard copy or electronic copy of the report to clients within minutes of completing the inspection. By no means should a client ever wait more than 24-hours for the report.
Shedhorn Inspection Services, LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Our reports are finished on site or within 15 minutes of the inspection being completed.
Dynamic Inspections & Construction Services, LLC.
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: An email copy can be ready in as little as a few hours after the inspection. The printed copy can be mailed or hand delivered. It is the choice of the customer.
Reality Property Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: The home inspection report needs to be provided as soon as possible, and 24 hours is an industry accepted turn around time.
Superior Inspection Services
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: Home inspection reports are normally less then 24 hours to 48 hours depending on the scope of damage to the house.
Corpus Christi Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: I personally get my reports out by the end of the same day as the inspection.
Safeguard Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: TREC requires an inspector to dilivered within 3 days.
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: The home inspection will be ready to deliver within 24 hours of the home inspection.
Heritage Inspectors
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: It takes some time to compile the report after the inspection. This way the report is in a nice concise package for the customer to view.
Moran Property Inspections
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: All inspectors are different in this regard, however typically 24 to 48 hours is the standard. The Louisiana board of home inspectors requires that the report be given to the client in at least five days
Spotlight Home Inspection L.L.C.
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Most inspectors should have capabilities to provide a report while in site or shortly thereafter
MDJ Inspection Services LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: we have a 24 hour guarantee.
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: today with technology 24-48 hours is a reasonable time limit.
Property Repair Service & Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: The report should be completed and sent electronically immediately after the inspection is complete. If a hard copy is needed, it should be in the mail in less than 24 hours.
Kairos Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: You should get the inspection within 48 hours of the original phone call and then the report within 24 hours after the inspection is complete.
Royalty Home Solutions, Inc
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: A home inspection report should be delivered the same day, but no more than 24 hours.
Blackland Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: We provide same-day reports to our clients.
House Call Home Inspections
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: It should be available to the buyer within that 24-48 hours so the buyer can review and negotiate the findings or concerns withe seller in the contingency period.
Meadow Brook Home Inspection
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: if home buyer can not be at inspection, I overnight the report to them
Huskey Home Inspection, LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Usually on the conclusion of the inspection
Allied Services Home Inspection
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: Report should be available in a timely manner however the inspector should take the time to provide a quality thorough inspection report.
Millyard Home Inspection
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Inspection reports are explained to the client at the home, and a hard copy is given to them at the home or e-mailed later that day
Contractors Corp.
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Our report is delivered the same day as the inspection. We Make Your Home Inspection Process as Easy as Possible We are not content to simply provide excellent home inspection services. We also look for ways to make the entire process as streamlined and simple for our clients as possible, so that they will come away from the experience satisfied and informed. Convenience is also enhanced through good communication and the sharing of information. We offer full color digital inspection reports, to make it even easier for our customers to review reports and use them as a reference. Our home inspectors welcome any questions that you might have about the property, and we provide consultations free of charge regarding any questions or concerns you might have about your home inspection throughout the duration of your mortgage.
Gilded Leaf Home Inspections LLC
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: Normally a complete home inspection report is delivered with in 48 hours unless is a huge property that will include other services.
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: After completing the physical home inspection I return to my office to compile the findings into a report. Most of the time I generate my reports and have them to my clients the same day. Beware of inspectors that offer on-site reporting. I have yet to see an on-site delivered report that I felt was thoughrough and detailed.
Morrow Inspection Services, PLLC
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: My reports are usually prepared and sent to the client within 24 hours. Sometimes during the busy seasons or if something unusual is found that takes a little extra research, it will take a little longer and I advise clients ahead of time. Radon Test will always be at least 4 days or more for the results depending on the day of the week the test is started.
Best Choice Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: I email report to customer that evening typically
At Ease Home Inspection
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Reports should be delivered within 24hrs. It should not be expected on-site at the end of the inspection. We take over 350 images of your home during our inspection. It will require time to make sure we do not miss anything.
Look First Homes, LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Most inspectors will be able to give you your inspection report within 24 hours.
HomeRun Certified Inspections,LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: The inspector by law has 5 days to send the report to the client but the inspector should file report the day of inspection so nothing is forgotten about while filling out the report
Smart Choice Home Inspections of WNY
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Our report must be completed the same night as the inspection, I have heard of people not getting their report for days or even a week.
Honest Home Inspections & Milwaukee Mold Inspector
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Home buyers are usually on a 10-day window to have a home inspected. The faster they receive their report the quicker they can proceed with their purchase.
House and Home Inspection Services
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: I always make every effort to get the inspection to the client or agent on the same day as the inspection. In some cases like older and larger homes, editing may require addition time to complete the report.
840 Inspections
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: We will go over the results with the client & present them with our home maintenance book & gifts the day of the inspection if we can. Then we will formalize the details & add complementary photos & have it ready ASAP. We aim to have it ready in 24 to 36 hrs.
Home Inspection Solutions
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Typical report takes less than 24 hours.
J. Michael Simon, LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: We normally complete the written report and run it through our Quality Assurance program before sending it to the buyer and their agent.
Rightway Residential Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: On average you will get a report within 24 hrs. Ask the Inspector before you leave, sometimes on Fridays or weekend appts. it may take a little longer.
MTK Inspection Services
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Once the home inspection is complete, the client should expect to receive their written report within 24 hours.
Randall Property Inspections, Inc.
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: Typically most final inspection reports can be completed within 24-48 hours.
Certified Real Estate Inspectors
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: You should always have a written report available to you within one days time. I strive to have it to you typically within hours of the inspection, and most typically the same day.
ABC Home Inspections LLC
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: I provide a detailed report before the end of day.
A Better Choice Home Inspection, Co
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: With my online reporting system a customer will recieve the report within 24 hours
House detective
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: We normally get the inspection report to our clients within 24 hours.
A Balance Home Inspection
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: we provide the inspection results immediately and can e-mail photos within 24 hrs.
American Home & Environmental
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: I finalize my reports typically within 24 hours.If for some reason I wouldn't be able to I contact the client.
Rife Home Inspections LLC
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: I have my reports out in 8 hours or less after the inspection is complete
Thomas Property Services
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Generally a report is delivered within 24 hours. Certain circumstances my require longer.
Coast Home Inspection
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: A home inspection report must be given to the client within 3 business days. Good business practice is within 24 hours.
Spire Home Inspection
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: we trun over our reports in 24hrs
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: The most cost effective way is to allow the inspector up to 48-hours to get the report sent. He has to juggle a schedule and if he has too many associates, he will need to charge more or lose money.
Corley Home Inspections, LLC
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: should be available next day
G M M Property Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: Provide reports the next day.
Hancock Consulting & Inspections, PLLC
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: No more than three business day from time of inspection.
AHI Residential & Commercial Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: 24 hours after the inspection is done the inspection report should be furnished to client, I always tell clients upfront that the home inspection report will be furnished in 24 hrs, if however they had additional testing done, then those reports will be furnished when I receive them which could take as long as a week.
JKM Home Inspections
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: I have two report styles, one is kind of an old school bound paper report that a lot of people like. The other is an electronic file and the report is emailed to the client. Both happen shortly after the inspection.
Four County Home Inspection Service, LLC
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: Our firm routinely transmits inspection reports within 24 hours via email. Testing results from independent laboratories i.e. Radon and Water are transmitted upon receipt.
Certipro Home Inspections
Answer: 24-48 hours
Explanation: I typically send same night of inspection, but we are alotted up to 48 hours to deliver report.
A&T Home Inspections, Inc.
Answer: Less than 24 hours
Explanation: If the buyer or their agent is at the inspection appointment a recap of findings is discussed with them at the completion of the inspection, yet buy getting them the actual inspection report tool as quickly as possible within 24 hours allows them to continue with the deal, or if there are too many difficencies to continue the tool allows them buy contract to cancel.
Connected Services Group, LLC
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