What is Greatest Source of Home Energy Loss?
By Richard Warden
The greatest source of energy loss is the air infiltration through the hatch that leads up to the attic. In cold climates, this hatch can be a problem because attics are typically insulated on the floor and the hatch door is usually just a thin piece of uninsulated plywood. This is not good. There are at least three remedies for this situation.
Firstly, an insulated hatch cover that rests upon the hatch area above would be a first line of defense against the cold. Weather stripping at the connection between the hatch door and the surrounding floor is also important. Attached is a photo of a simple loose-fitting insulated hatch door cover that simply rests on top of the hatch area, as noted in photo from Sustainable Life Solutions.
Secondly, an insulated cover can be placed underneath the existing stair hatch to offer another line of defense. This product in the photo is also provided by the same company. This additional hatch cover has a finished look and is ready to install.
Thirdly, weather stripping may be applied at all locations where edges of closing pieces meet together, including the original plywood door connection, the insulated hatch cover above and on the edges of the lower hatch cover.
These simple solutions can help to save money on energy bills in winter. Other sources of thermal drafts include fireplaces, AC wall units and outlets that are poorly insulated.
About the Author
 | Richard Warden, Southampton Home Inspections 8 Oak Place Southampton, NY 11968 631-377-2046
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